Aim & Conquer Meditative Discourse: Transform Your Communication

Aim & Conquer Strategic Insights Discourse Transform Your Communication

Note: The following is a transcript of a meditative discourse, with headings ... strategies ... added after the fact. 

Move in New Ways to Get "Unstuck" and Create Common Union

There is a certain dimension of life where you know that you are not allowing your full expression. There is a certain aspect of you that is stuck, not only in your body, but in your mind. Your energy is not flowing quite the way you imagine it should, the way you want it to, in a way that really interests you. It's not happening.

There is a certain resistance that you feel when you move through your day, through your life, at work or at home, when you're by yourself in your car. You are stuck in certain ways, and to get unstuck, you need to move differently, not just in your body and mind, not just in your breath, but in the way you think, in the way you speak, in the way you act and interact. The totality of your communication needs to create that “common union,” a sense that you are repairing all the damage done to you through the years.

Speak with Appreciation for Those Who Listen

You are looking at yourself through the story that you want to author. You want to say a certain something, and you do not have either the insight or the courage to speak boldly, to just allow your truth out into the world and to be of beneficial value to those who listen, who have the capacity to truly listen.

When you speak with beneficial value, you are speaking to something deeper in them, without trying to manipulate them, without trying to convince them. There is nothing that you are trying to extract from them. You are speaking as if it is a sacrifice, an offering, onto their attentive capacities. You are honoring them, that they would honor you by giving you their time, their energy, their attention, and their meaning-making possibility. You are deeply appreciative when you speak, that someone else is willing to listen.

When you listen in this manner to yourself, when you gain insights from yourself, through your own movement, through your own stillness, through moments of silence, and through the sounds that you hear in and around you, you create a different space for yourself. You fit into your body differently. Your bones orient themselves differently. You can feel your tendons and your ligaments realigning towards youthfulness. A certain liveliness is present in your nerves. You feel more alive, more connected to the rest of life, to the people on your team.

Develop Skill at Gripping, Releasing, and Flowing with Aspects of Your Consciousness

This strategy is to take care of yourself in such a manner that you fit well within yourself and with others. When you speak, you speak truth, your truth. You are not trying. You are allowing. You are flowing, and people can sense it. They can feel it, that you create the space for them and that you have space for you. This kind of mood, of drift, of listening to the drift, of noticing yourself drift, of noticing when you are not paying attention, of catching yourself and letting yourself go, of playing a game of gripping onto parts of your own consciousness and letting other parts change as they so want ... as you allow yourself to be in relationship with life, with the conversations that are happening in you and around you, you start to transform the very essence of your communication.

This offers you a new way of existing in your company, in your own company. You are deeply happy, deeply satisfied, deeply fulfilled. You love working on yourself. You love doing the work that you are doing. Then, you bring that mood to others. You show up in body and mind, in breath, in your conversation, in your presence, in your energy. People sense that they feel the aliveness oozing through you. You radiate the warmth, the energy of power, a feeling that, “Yes, this is a powerful way to exist. To shine in this manner is useful. It is beneficial. It fills my heart, and it fills the hearts of others who are willing to listen. I love this. I love existing in this way. I love this company. I love my work.” When you show up that way every day, ready to do work, that is a great strategy to connect with. Start there.

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