Aim & Conquer Meditative Discourse: From Victim to True Victor

Aim & Conquer Meditative Discourse From Victim to True Victor

Note: The following is a transcript of a meditative discourse, with headings ... strategies ... added after the fact. 

Free Your Story from the Voices of Your Critics

Today, consider this ... that your experience of life has been made up by you, that you, just for your own amusement, really, decided to narrate a certain story about yourself, to yourself, when you were not paying attention. When you were in a state of deep sleep, some parts of you were whispering to your subconscious about things you did, things you did not do, things you could have done better. And that version of you that is now operating is actually under control by the one who was whispered to.

It's almost as if some parts of you have been possessed by the voices of your critics, by the voices of those who are complacent, those who say, "This is not up to me. I have no way of choosing. I cannot take any conscious control of how I experience the chaos and confusion of my life." If that is your stance, then you are playing the victim, or you are choosing to victimize, because you are not operating from a mindset that you are victorious, that victory is yours. You're not operating as a winner.

Win by Empowering Others to Win

See, when you think about winning, if you think in relation to just winning, then you see others as winners. You want them to win. You want those on your team to win. You understand that, together, you are stronger, and that you win better. And so your partnership is always positioned towards empowering the other. You want them to become a better version of themselves, and you are reminding them that they are winners, that you are a winner, and that you are never playing the card of being a victim to your circumstances.

You are choosing consciously to take on that challenge, and to examine how well you played while you faced that difficulty, to look at if there was a certain emotional intensity rooted in truth, in goodness, in beauty, if it actually served others well. You're looking carefully at how emotionally stable you felt, how strong you were, how skilled you were. Did you allow others to be who they are, to promote that which is best in them? Did you, in your self-expression, find a way to remind them that they are beautiful, good, and true, and that there is something in them and something in you that deserves both of you to bow and to breathe into it, to feel that there is a sacred connection between you? And to not forget that togetherness that is beyond you, that is more important than either of you?

Build Trust Among Your Teammates By Enlivening Them

And when you approach your partnership, your relationship, your communication in this manner, where you are humble and respectful, because you recognize the other as being of high importance in your life, to you winning, to you succeeding ... you therefore promote the energy that enlivens them. You want your interactions with others to be such that you are paying attention to the quality, to the presence that you share together when you share space with each other. Even in cyberspace, you can generate a feeling of oneness, of togetherness, of healing, of finding harmony and flow between each other. And you are to feel that harmony and flow as you move your body, as if you are moving to a dance, to music, together.

So, as a team, when you are able to dance together, and develop your own expression of how you will go into battle together, and you express your own war dance, and develop courage, and care for each other … your team knows confidently that you have their back. When you work in this way with each other, then those on your team connect in ways they've never connected before. And you need to connect your body in this manner to be able to express this intention and connection within you. When you meet your colleague, your friend, or just another human being, practice how you are being present with yourself and what you are bringing forth to them. And see if you are consciously choosing to make something happen that is truly good for them and you.

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