Improve your company's performance by expanding your approach to strategy 

Aim & Conquer offers customized training programs that generate strategic insights from a "bottom-up" rather than "top-down" perspective, driving improved performance while also increasing connectivity and reinvigorating the workforce. If your organization is not operating at its full potential, Aim & Conquer can help. Reach out today to learn more.

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Experience a true sense of
“Stronger Together”

Strong organizations have strong connections internally. The best top-down strategies in the world are only meaningful if the various individuals and teams working within those organizations are clear on their particular roles ... if they are regularly generating insights about how to improve their outputs and how to function at a higher level ... and if they are well-connected to each other.   

Aim & Conquer helps companies develop “bottom-up” strategies that are grounded in the reality of day-to-day work experience … and that inspire and empower members of the workforce to aim for improved "micro" results … so that teams can combine together to more effectively support the execution of their company’s broader strategies. 

Continue below to learn more about how Aim & Conquer Programs work.

Strategize to energize … and promote achievement

Clear goals ... and top-down strategies to achieve them ... are necessary for organizations to succeed, but they alone are not sufficient to guarantee high performance. For that, companies must consistently drive improvements in the deployment of their resources, and that comes from empowering workers to more proactively shape their work experience.

Aim & Conquer programs focus on the day-to-day experiences of individuals and teams and provide a unique structure for team members to develop tailored strategies aimed at improving their contribution and functionality. That structure meets teams where they are ... at their desks, on their keyboards, in the digital space ... and creates a framework to facilitate the generation of strategic insights.

Click here to learn more about what a program could look like for your organization.

Align your organization to deliver at its best

An empowered workforce that is clear on its top-down strategic objectives … communicates openly and directly about possibilities for improvement … and proactively designs the ways it functions on a day-to-day basis … serves as a competitive advantage in a world where workforce connectivity is becoming increasingly challenging. 

Aim & Conquer helps organizations unlock new levels of performance in dimensions that are highly valued, including cost efficiency, time efficiency, revenue generation, collaboration, and enthusiasm. Don't waste another day operating at less than what is possible for you. Reach out today to get started.

Testimonials from former clients


"Astounding comes to mind. Like nothing I've ever experienced before ..."


"I am in awe of how much better I am feeling every day. The changes I am going through are affecting every part of my life."


"I feel energized and encouraged ... words can't even express my happiness and appreciations!"

Hi, I'm Nosh

I’m the founder of Aim & Conquer, and I live in Los Angeles, where I work as a corporate trainer and high-performance coach to help companies rejuvenate their workforce, function with greater excellence, and realize more of their potential to make meaningful contributions. 

For the past 20 years, I’ve been involved in the personal development, health & wellness, and technology fields as both an entrepreneur and investor, and I’m passionate about many other topics, including martial arts and education. My goal is for Aim & Conquer to provide training programs that empower people, teams, and companies to proactively shape their work experience for the better.

Thank you for visiting this site. I hope to connect with you soon.

Learn More about Aim & Conquer